think-cell cheers for Niels Grunenberg at Paralympics 2012

Berlin/London, September 3, 2012

After a few days of intensive training in London and some already quite successful competitions for his team mates from the think-cell supported Berlin Swimming Team, Niels Grunenberg looks forward to Wednesday when he will be competing in the men’s 100m breaststroke. He is very enthusiastic about the upcoming events and comments: "This is absolutely unbelievable! We are all extremely motivated to show a great performance. I have been very fast in the training sessions. Let’s hope that I can keep up the tension until the Race Day."

think-cell wishes him all the best! We will be in the audience with a small group on Wednesday to support him live.

About the Berlin Swimming Team

Since its founding in 2008 the Berlin Swimming Team has quickly established itself as one of the leading teams in Paralympic sports in Germany. Berlin not only offers the best training facilities to a large number of athletes, but also brings together young and inexperienced swimmers with very experienced ones. Since 2009, the Berlin Swimming Team accounts for at least a third of the National Swimming Team of the National Paralympic Committee Germany und therefore ensures that Berlin is well-represented in the competitions.

About think-cell

Founded in Berlin in 2002, think-cell is the de facto standard for creating professional presentations in PowerPoint. With productivity tools and support for 40+ chart types, all of the top 10 global consulting firms rely on think-cell. It is the software of choice for the DAX 40 and Fortune 500 companies and is taught at 9 of the top 10 US business schools.
