Sebastian Theophil speaks at RWTH Aachen
Aachen, July 5, 2012
Since its founding, think-cell has maintained close ties to the international academic community. Today, Dr. Sebastian Theophil, senior software engineer at think-cell, presented the results of think-cell's research on automatic slide layout at the computer science colloquium of RWTH Aachen University, one of Germany's most renowned computer science faculties.
The research on automatic slide layout formed the core of Sebastian's PhD thesis and laid the foundation for think-cell's upcoming layout functionality.
About think-cell
Founded in Berlin in 2002, think-cell is the de facto standard for creating professional presentations in PowerPoint. With productivity tools and support for 40+ chart types, all of the top 10 global consulting firms rely on think-cell. It is the software of choice for the DAX 40 and Fortune 500 companies and is taught at 9 of the top 10 US business schools.