think-cell chart 4.3 launched

Berlin, March 28, 2007

On March 28th, think-cell launched the brand-new version 4.3 of think-cell chart – its flagship product for chart creation in Microsoft PowerPoint. The new release will be delivered to all customers under the think-cell partnership program and is also available as a full-featured 30 day trial.

" think-cell chart 4.3 is the newest evidence that within the think-cell partnership customers mutually benefit from their own suggestions and contributions." explains Markus Hannebauer, think-cell's CEO. "By adding long-awaited features and improvements – such as the support for combination charts and legends – we closely followed the advice given by think-cell chart users. Of course, we also made some discontinuous and visionary changes – for example the floating tool bars – supporting future developments."

About think-cell

Founded in Berlin in 2002, think-cell is the de facto standard for creating professional presentations in PowerPoint. With productivity tools and support for 40+ chart types, all of the top 10 global consulting firms rely on think-cell. It is the software of choice for the DAX 40 and Fortune 500 companies and is taught at 10 of the top 10 US business schools.
