I'm the new assistant chair of SG 9, the study group for std::ranges!

In a week, the C++ standardization committee is meeting in Tokyo, Japan, to continue work on C++26. It will be my first meeting with an official role as assistant chair of SG 9.

The committee is organized into a pipeline process, where proposals for new features are first reviewed by relevant subject-matter experts in a study group (SG), if applicable, then for general design review by either LEWG (for standard library features) or EWG (for language features), then for specification review by LWG or CWG, before being formally added to C++ by a plenary vote.

One of those study groups is SG 9, focusing on range-related improvements to the C++ standard library. Last week, I was asked whether I'd be willing to help Daisy Hollman, chair of SG 9, with running and organizing the meetings, and I accepted. At think-cell, maintaining our range library is a big part of my job, and I look forward to help proposal authors improving and extending the standardized equivalent.

For more information about the C++ standardization committee and its process, see here: https://isocpp.org/std/the-committee

— by Jonathan Müller

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