Knowledge base KB0038

Known issues with Asian languages


In PowerPoint, Asian and Western character fonts are defined separately and must both be set for PowerPoint to work correctly.

Known issues are for example:

  • When working with a Gantt chart in a presentation with Asian language text, some fonts are inconsistent.
  • Labels containing Asian language text contain both bold and normal characters.


Define an Asian text font for the master slide. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Open the Slide Master in PowerPoint: View > Master Views > Slide Master
  2. Go to the slide master's top level slide and select all items (e.g., using CTRL + A )
  3. Open the Create New Theme Fonts dialog:
    PowerPoint 2007 & 2010: Edit Theme > Fonts > Create New Theme Fonts…
    PowerPoint 2013 & 2016: Background > Fonts > Customize Fonts…
  4. In the dialog define a font for East Asian text for both, the Heading font (Asian) and the Body font (Asian) > Save.
  5. Click on Close Master View
