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class: middle #A Practical Approach to Error Handling --- #Introduction - Errors can happen anywhere - Want reliable program - No time to write error handling What do we do? --- #Options for Error Handling ```cpp file f("file.txt"); ``` -- What happens if the file does not exist? -- - return value ```cpp file f; bool"file.txt"); if( !bOk ) {...} ``` * not for ctor -- - out parameter ```cpp bool bOk; file f("text.txt",bOk); if( !bOk ) {...} ``` - clutter code with checks * can forget check - `[[nodiscard]]` for return values --- #Options for Error Handling (2) - status: bad flag on first failure * single control path * good if checking at the very end is good enough * writing a file - ok * reading a file - maybe not * default for C++ iostreams -- - monad * goal: same code path for success and error case * like `std::variant
` + utilities * P0323R11 `std::expected` --- #Options for Error Handling: Exception - exception -- * Catch exception objects always by reference * Slicing * Copying of exception may throw -> `std::terminate` ```cpp struct A {...}; struct B : A {...}; try { throw B(); *} catch( A a ) { // B gets sliced and copied into a ... throw; // throws original B }; ``` --- #Options for Error Handling: Exception - exception * Catch exception objects always by reference * Slicing * Copying of exception may throw -> `std::terminate` ```cpp struct A {...}; struct B : A {...}; try { throw B(); *} catch( A const& a ) { // no slicing or copying ... throw; // throws original B }; ``` --- #Options for Error Handling: Exception (2) - work like multi-level return/goto - add invisible code paths * one reason some code bases do not allow exceptions ```cpp auto inc(int i)->int { // throw(char const*) if(3==i) throw "Hello"; return i+1; } auto main()->int { try { int n=3; n=inc(n); // throw(char const*) } catch( char const* psz ) { std::cout << psz; } return 0; } ``` --- #Options for Error Handling: Exception (2) - work like multi-level return/goto - add invisible code paths * one reason some code bases do not allow exceptions ```cpp auto inc(int i)->int { // throw(char const*) * if(3==i) throw "Hello"; return i+1; } auto main()->int { try { int n=3; * n=inc(n); // throw(char const*) } catch( char const* psz ) { std::cout << psz; } return 0; } ``` --- #Options for Error Handling: Exception (3) ```cpp auto inc(int i, char const* & pszException )->int { { if(3==i) { pszException="Hello"; * goto exception; } return i+1; } exception: return 0; } ``` --- #Options for Error Handling: Exception (4) ```cpp auto main()->int { char const* pszException=nullptr; { int n=3; n=inc(n,pszException); * if( pszException ) goto exception; return 0; } exception: { std::cout << pszException; return 0; } } ``` -- Stop whining! Of course must write exception-safe code! --- #Exception Safety Guarantees (not really exception-specific) Part of function specification - Never Fails -- - Strong Exception Guarantee: * may fail (throw), but will restore program state to what it was before: transactional * possible and desirable in library functions * very hard in application code * usually too many state changes -- - Basic Exception Guarantee: * may fail (throw), but will restore program to some valid state --- #Basic Exception Safety Guarantee Customer: "Hello, is this Microsoft Word support? I was writing a book. Suddenly, Word deleted everything." Microsoft: "Oh, that's ok. Word only provides a basic exception guarantee." Customer: "Oh, alright then, thank you very much and have a good day!" --- #The Challenge - Error handling is a lot of effort * in development * must be paranoid * create a lot of extra code * in testing * many codepaths to test * if you don't test them, they won't work -- - Little customer gain -- - So what do we do? --- #So what do we do? - Check everything * check every API call * one wrapper per error reporting method * Windows: `GetLastError()`, `HRESULT` * Unix: `errno` * `assert` aggressively * asserts stay in Release * `noexcept` if caller does not handle exception * `std::terminate`, but unexpected exceptions will terminate anyway * install handler with `std::set_terminate` for checking -- - Assume everything works -- - Goal: * keep set of code paths small * keep set of program states small --- #If checks fail - prio 1: collect as much information as possible * client: send report with memory dump home * server: halt thread and notify operator -- - prio 2: carry on somehow * if check was critical, program behavior now undefined: no further reports * do not terminate when assertion fails * `assert`s can be wrong, too * if you need safety (nuclear powerplant, etc.), add at higher level * example: server stops processing request categories with too many pending requests --- #Next: Homework - Reproduce the error at home -- - Add handling code only for errors that are reproducible * Otherwise you write * error handlers that are never used * error handlers that are never tested, do the wrong thing -- - 5% of handlers handle 95% of errors * Write high quality error handlers * Bad: show message box * Good: fix the problem --- #Categories of Errors: Critical - `nullptr` access - API calls not expected to fail * not with this error code - assertions -- - "never happens" * no handler * like C++ undefined behavior: program is invalid -- - Client: send report, disable future reports - Server: notify operator, enter infinite loop (wait for debugger) - Notify user only if false alarm unlikely * `assert`s may be wrong --- #Categories of Errors: Untested ```cpp auto RegisterFooHook(Foo foo) { errcode_t err=RegisterFoo(foo); if(err==SUCCESS) KeepTrackOfFoo(foo); return err; } ``` - If `err` indicates error, does nothing, no error handling needed -- - But no reproduction for `RegisterFoo` failing - Effect on rest of the program? -- - Client: send report, throttle future reports * in Debug: notify developer - Server: send report --- #Categories of Errors: Bad User Experience - 3rd party bug * sometimes PowerPoint makes shape disappear - Reproducible, supported and tested -- - Not nice, users may complain -- - Client/Server: only log, no report * to explain behavior if user calls --- #Categories of Errors: Indication of broken environment - Other add-in hooked same function as us - OS reports space as default decimal separator * both fully supported by us -- - Could still be cause of a problem -- - Client during remote support: notify support engineer * maybe reason for support call --- #Error Analysis - Reports with memory dumps sent to server * automatically * if user opted out, user can send prepared email -- - Error database * memory dumps opened in debugger * errors automatically categorized by file/line * details and memory dump accessible to devs -- - Devs can mark errors as fixed * trigger automatic update * or send automatic email - magic! --- #Cause Analysis - Problem often related to customer environment - Otherwise in-house testing would have found it -- - Memory dumps have list of loaded modules (DLLs, dylibs) - Can we identify module causing error? * or versions of module? -- Report database with all reports - 1 means has particular problem - 0 means has different problem `0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0` (6 occurrences among 12 reports) -- `x - x - - x x - x - x -` Module A (with: 3/6, without: 3/6) `- x x - x x - x x - - -` Module B (with: 4/6, without: 2/6) -- - Module B responsible? Or chance? --- # Minimum Description Length - Compressing `0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0` (6/12) - Knowing if reports contain module B helps compressing? `- x x - x x - x x - - -` Module B (with: 4/6, without: 2/6) -- - perfect arithmetic compression (Laplacian estimator) * estimates probability `p` that report has particular problem - all `p` in `[0,1]` equally likely - no. bits to compress `N` bits with `K` ones: `log [ (N+1) * (N over K) ]` - no. bits becomes smaller if p is closer to 0 or 1: * 12 bits with 6 ones: 13.55 bits * 12 bits with no ones: 3.70 bits --- #Compressing Reports `0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0` (6/12) `x - x - - x x - x - x -` Module A (with: 3/6, without: 3/6) `- x x - x x - x x - - -` Module B (with: 4/6, without: 2/6) -- - Compressing all reports together (6/12): 13.55 bits -- - Make use of module A * choose module A over B: 1 bit * compressing all reports with A (3/6): 7.13 bits * compressing all reports without A (3/6): 7.13 bits * total: 15.26 bits - module A has nothing to do with problem --- #Compressing Reports `0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0` (6/12) `x - x - - x x - x - x -` Module A (with: 3/6, without: 3/6) `- x x - x x - x x - - -` Module B (with: 4/6, without: 2/6) - Compressing all reports together (6/12): 13.55 bits - Make use of module B * choose module B over A: 1 bit * compressing all reports with B (4/6): 6.71 bits * compressing all reports without B (2/6): 6.71 bits * total: 14.43 bits - still not relevant enough --- #Compressing Reports `0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0` (6/12) `x - x - - x x - x - x -` Module A (with: 3/6, without: 3/6) `- x x - x x - x x - - -` Module B (with: 4/6, without: 2/6) `- x x - x x - x - x - -` Module C (with: 5/6, without: 1/6) - Compressing all reports together (6/12): 13.55 bits - Make use of module C * choose module C over A and B: log2(3) = 1.58 bits * compressing all reports with C (5/6): 5.39 bits * compressing all reports without C (1/6): 5.39 bits * total: 12.37 bits - relevant! -- - More hypotheses make chance more likely - Also works if certain module fixes problem - Extend to module versions --- #C++20 Contracts - new language feature - `assert` on steroids - declarative function pre- and postconditions ```cpp void push(int x, queue& q) [[expects: !q.full()]] [[ensures: !q.empty()]] { ... [[assert: q.is_valid()]] ... } ``` --- #C++20 Contracts (2) - When check contract? * debug * release * never - What to do if contract violated? * terminate * carry on * report (what to whom?) -- - removed from C++20 at last moment - discussion will continue for C++23 --- #THANK YOU! for attending. And yes, we are recruiting: ``  --- #A Very Special Class of Errors ```cpp std::int32_t a=2 000 000 000; std::int32_t b=a+a; ``` What is `b`? -- Uuh, may overflow. - Let's check for it! ```cpp if( b
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